Tuesday, October 21, 2014

LeToya Luckett Talks Issues With Celebrity and Putting Acting Career Into Existence

LeToya Luckett is going to star in three films within the next few months and is gearing up for at least one television show, but the Christian singer and actress insists that she still struggles with being a celebrity.   
It's been close to 15 years since Luckett, 33, sang alongside her childhood friends Beyonce Knowles, Kelly Rowland and LaTavia Roberson in the hit R&B group Destiny's Child that propelled her fame. After leaving the group in 2000, Luckett hasn't slowed down with two solo albums under her belt and a consistent career as a working actress where she has secured roles in at least nine film projects since her 2010 debut in the film, "Preacher's Kid." 
Despite a smooth transition from being a known singer to actress, the real life daughter of a minister insists she struggles with being famous." 
It doesn't get easier when you're trying to work your way up that ladder. It actually sometimes can be more difficult because of people pressure, because of people's opinions,"Luckett told The Christian Post. "Some people try to bring you down instead of lift you up because unfortunately that's kind of the world we live in. A lot of people like to see the bad, because they feel the bad is more entertaining than the good."  
Still, Luckett makes sure she is not defining herself by the opinions of others. 
"I serve a major God who definitely has the last say on my life. Being an actress and a singer, you get more 'no's' than you get 'yes'," Luckett told CP. "You get more rejection than you do anything else."  
In an industry where many veteran actresses have a hard time securing consistent roles, Luckett credits the grace of God and her "great team" for helping her transition from singing to acting, which began with the film "Preacher's Kid" in 2010. While she recently appeared on UP network's "Heavenly Match" and is gearing up to star in "Drumline 2: A New Beat" and "Seasons of Love," before the year ends, roles do not just fall into Luckett's lap. 
She continues to delve into her craft by studying with her acting coach, taking classes, reading and watching films. Luckett also makes sure to take her faith with her into each audition. 
"I'm still going through those auditions and I always pray before I go in," she told CP. "I leave it in His hands. I say if this role is for me than even I can't go in this room and mess it up, it will be for me. And that's just how I continue to do things." 

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