Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Beyoncé Knowles Fans Lash Out At Designer Michael Costello Over Alleged Racial Slur
*Although he’s known for outfitting some of the best known black female celebrities, Michael Costello is not getting any love from Beyoncé fans after he allegedly used a racial slur while responding to a situation with an up-and-coming designer. 
The drama stems from a payment given to designer Maxine James from Costello’s partner Stephanie Costello for one of her dresses two weeks ago. 
James’ excitement over being noticed and compensated by Costello turned cold after she saw her dress posted on the Mtcostello Instagram page without any credit given to her. Adding to that was that the dress was featured on the page as if it was a Costello creation. 
James reacted to the situation on Instagram as she wondered why someone like Costello would resort to stealing someone else’s creation. 
“It’s so disheartening I couldn’t help but shed a tear… Him as a designer should know first hand how heart breaking it is for ppl to take something you worked so hard on …..It’s like why? Who does that? I mean we ALL get inspired from some where but it is completely unfair to take someone’s EXACT design and EXACT dress at that and claim it as your own….,” wrote James. “@michaelcostello You are already a well known designer you design dresses for TOP celebrities… Why would you do something so low? I put so much into my brand … I eat sleep breath it… I paid for so many mistakes while making this design I went through so much to make it perfect …for it to fit perfectly… patterns..grading …cut… Production …photo shoots ALL OF THAT and you literally take my EXACT DRESS and claim it as your own … I tried to reach out to you and you block me ? Like seriously … It’s extremely disheartening I TRUELY did look up to you as a designer…you were one of my favorites….I hope this lasts you for a life time … because God will never continue to bless someone who does evil malicious things like this…. Period” 
James’ post immediately resulted in a slew of responses directed to Costello’s Instagram, asking why he would steal the young designer’s work. Costello apparently got so fed up with questions that he posted a response to one of the people, calling the person a “n—er” while making sure his experience with Beyoncé’s was known. 
“Your just probably a dumb n—er defending her,” the former “Project Runway” constestant allegedly posted. “I am royalty b—h! I dressed Beyoncé! Who are they gonna believe!”
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