Friday, October 10, 2014

Beyonce Knowles' Publicist Talks Destiny's Child's Early Days
Before Destiny's Child became one of the biggest girl group's of all time, they were just four girls from Houston with thick accents eager to make their musical mark.

Publicist to the stars, Yvette Noel-Schure--who has worked with everyone from Mariah Carey and currently works with Beyonce--opened up about Destiny's Child's early days. Schure said that while TLC had already solidified their success, as well as En Vogue, Columbia simply didn't know what to do with the teenage group.

"I knew in that moment that he did not know what the capacity for success would be for this girl group. TLC was so big, En Vogue a little older and killing it vocally and I don’t know if the plan was to set in place. I believe in that moment, Larry Jenkins said, ‘If nothing comes of this, Yvette can teach them a few things and I don’t know that he expected me to be a great publicist to this great group. I think he thought ‘For as long as we have them on the label, Yvette can be a mother figure.” 

Schure also goes onto say that while she worked her publicity magic, she also helped show them how to conduct themselves in the public eye.

"There wasn’t a lot I could teach those girls, they could sing the ‘ABC’s’ and make me look like … but it was about ‘Here’s how I live my life,’ ‘Here’s how I come to work and I work really, really hard.’ I can not teach you how to sing but I will tell you that when you enter the room, your interview has begun. Everything is on the record, what you say, what you did, if you were slumping in your chair — so don’t slump in your chair because that’s going to be part of the description in the interview.” 

Well, we all know Beyonce is one poised chick, so it looks like Queen Bey definitely took what Yvette said to heart.
RELATED:  Watch Sam Smith Sing Destiny's Child at Local Nashville Karaoke Bar

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