Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Beyonce Knowles In New Avengers Movie? Not Likely!

Beyonce might be one of music's mightiest stars, but is she about to be one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes?

A (highly unlikely in our humble geek opinion!) casting rumor has surfaced claiming that Bey will be hanging with Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow and Captain America in an upcoming "Avengers" movie.
The Daily Star reported that the singer/actress is being considered for four possible characters, but Marvel Studios doesn't even have the rights to two of them… a true Marvel fan should already be able to see where this is going!

The paper listed Boom-Boom (the alter-ego of Tabitha Smith, a secret agent with the ability to create lethal plasma bombs with her mind) and Blink (a superhero who can teleport herself and others anywhere) as possible roles – but both characters are linked to the X-Men, which Fox Studios has the rights to and Marvel is not able to use on the big screen.

The paper also reported Bey could play Tigra (a cat-like crime-fighter with superhuman strength, speed and agility) or take over the role of Hawkeye (previously played by Jeremy Renner), but somehow we don't see this happening either.

As much as we'd love to see the "Dreamgirls" star branch out into the superhero world and slay Hydra villains, we're calling Loki mind-controlling shenanigans on this report!

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